Quality and environmental management policy

VEDRIŠ doo is a company whose main activity is the production, sale and distribution of lightning protection and electrical accessories.

With the quality, punctuality of delivery and reliability in the realization of our products, to permanently meet the needs and expectations of our customers and other interested parties, while at the same time taking care of the protection of the environment and the preservation of natural resources

To become a leading company in its field in the area in which we operate, based on the principles of business excellence and environmental sustainability.
In order to achieve our mission and vision, our policy is aimed at meeting the needs and expectations of all interested parties:


  • Permanently fulfill the needs and expectations of customers through quality products, flexibility and compliance with deadlines
  • Continuously introduce innovations and increase the efficiency of our work


  • Strive to establish partnership relations with suppliers/cooperators and increase our competitiveness on the market through a mutually beneficial relationship


  • To ensure the employment of professional and ambitious employees who will have the opportunity to advance and improve their competences
  • Ensure maximum safety, health protection, prevention of injuries and occupational diseases


  • Continually comply with all compliance obligations related to the environment, as well as all other regulations related to our business
  • By applying the environmental management system, prevent pollution, reduce the negative impact on the environment and increase energy efficiency
  • Actively participate in humanitarian actions and activities of the local community
  • To improve the general quality of life in the community


  • Continuously improve the management system based on the requirements of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards
  • Constantly monitor changes in the environment, assess risks related to all aspects of business and thus ensure the sustainable development of the organization

Quality and environmental management policy.pdf